Family Baptist Church extends a heartfelt welcome to our beloved community, including individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. We proudly provide a warm and inclusive environment where everyone can join in fellowship and worship.

Our commitment to accessibility is demonstrated through the presence of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters at our services. These skilled professionals ensure that every aspect of our gatherings is accessible to those who use ASL as their primary means of communication. Whether during sermons, hymns, prayers, or fellowship time, our interpreters facilitate a seamless and meaningful experience for all.

At Family Baptist Church, we believe in celebrating the diversity of our congregation and embracing each individual’s unique gifts and perspectives. Your presence enriches our community, and we are excited to share our faith journey.

If you have any specific requests or would like to learn more about our accessibility initiatives, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We support you and ensure your experience is uplifting and fulfilling. Join us as we worship, learn, and grow together!

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